Live Stream
(Sun & Wed)



Sermons / Classes
(Jan 2015 & Later)



Sermons / Classes
(2014 & Earlier)






Sermons and Bible Classes held in 2015 and later can be accessed via the player below. For Sermons and Bible Classes held in 2014 and earlier, please see this page.

Note we are working through an unanticipated change of our Video On Demand service providers which may result in the temporary loss of videos. We are working to restore these videos and appreciate your patience as we work through this process.

For additional videos, please see our YouTube channel.

Click on the  icon to see all videos in the playlists below

Sermon Playlists

Bible Class Playlists

2024 Sermons

Encounters With Jesus - Various Teachers
(Wed PM Bible Class, June - August 2024)

Foundations of Faith II: Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Spiritual Identity, Our Worship - Bob Klemm (Sun AM Bible Class, June - August 2024)

Foundations of Faith: Who We Are, What We Believe, What We Practice - Bob Klemm (Sun AM Bible Class, March-May 2024)

His Presence - Rocky Rutledge (Wed PM Bible Class March-May 2024)

Be Careful - Scott Blake (Sun AM Bible Class, December 2023-February 2024)

Amos - The Boldness of Faith - Scott Logan (Wed PM Bible Class, December 2023-February 2024)

Biblical Archaeology Journey: Can You Dig It?-Marty Miller/Doug Dobbs (Sun AM Bible Class, September 2023-November 2023)

From Milk to Meat (Various Topics for Christian Living) - David Sparks (Wed PM Bible Class, September 2023 - November 2023)

Isaiah; God's Deliverance - Chris Wright
(Sun AM Bible Class, June 2023 - August 2023)

Everything We Need - 2 Peter 1:3-11 - Various Teachers
(Wed PM Bible Class, June 2023 - August 2023)

A Study of Colossians- Michael Matheidas
(Sun AM Bible Class, March 2023 - May 2023)

2023 Sermons

Windows on the Parables - Various Teachers
(Wed PM Bible Class, March 2023 - May 2023)

2022 Sermons

A Study of 1st Corinthians - Dave Short
(Sun AM Bible Class, December 2022 - February 2023)

2021 Sermons

The Bible - From God or Man - Scott Logan
(Wed PM Bible Class, December 2022 - February 2023)

2020 Sermons

Blueprint for Living Out Our Life of Faith -
Jordan & Joel Blake
(Wed PM Bible Class, September 2022 - November 2022)

A Study of Church History - Steve Baker
(Sun AM Bible Class, September 2022 - November 2022)

What's On Your Mind? Change Your Thoughts and You Change Your Life - Various Teachers (Wed PM Bible Class June 2022 - May 2022)

A Study of Revelation - Chris Wright
(Sun AM Bible Class, June 2022 - August 2022)

Have You Found True Happiness?
Various Teachers (Wed PM Bible Class, Mar 2022 - May 2022)

The Beatitudes - Mac Brockman
(Sun AM Bible Class, Mar 2022 - May 2022)

A Study of Covenants - Raymond Walker
(Wed PM Bible Class, Dec 2021 - Feb 2022)

A Study of Hebrews - Dave Short
(Sun AM Bible Class, Dec 2021 - Feb 2022)

Spiritual Warfare: A Study of Angels, Satan & Demons - Scott Logan
(Wed PM Bible Class, Sep 2021 - Nov 2021)

A Study of Matthew - Steve Baker
(Sun AM Bible Class, Sep 2021 - Nov 2021)

A Study of 1st Timothy - Bob Klemm
(Wed PM Bible Class, Jun 2021 - Aug 2021)

True Justice, Kindness and Compassion - Chris Wright
(Sun AM Bible Class, Jun 2021 - Aug 2021)

Following the Example of Jesus - Various Teachers
(Wed PM Bible Class, Mar 2021 - May 2021)

The Sword of the Lord - Marty Miller
(Sun AM Bible Class, Mar 2021 - May 2021)

Christian Attitudes - Mac Brockman
(Wed PM Bible Class, Dec 2020 - Feb 2021)


Judges: Is God my god? - Michael Matheidas
(Sun AM Bible Class, Dec 2020 - Mar 2021)

Overcoming . . . - Various Teachers
(Wed PM Bible Class, Sep 2020 - Nov 2020)


How to Keep Fear From Scaring You to Death - Nathan Ingram
(Sun AM Bible Class, Sep 2020 - Nov 2020)

Assurance - Raymond Walker
(Wed PM Bible Class, Jun 2020 - Aug 2020)


Behold Our God - Marty Miller
(Sun AM Bible Class, Jun 2020 - Aug 2020)

A Study of Romans - Ken Stegall

The Holy Spirit of God - Dave Short
(Sun AM Bible Class, Mar 2020 - May 2020)


If you have any questions about what you may see or hear in these recordings, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information. We would be more than happy to answer any questions that you might have or to provide further individualized Bible study for you. Knowing and understanding God's word is our passion - and we want it to be yours too!

If you are ever in the area, please come by and visit. We would love to have you as our guest!


9:00 a.m. - Bible Classes 
9:45 a.m. - Coffee & Donuts Fellowship
10:15 a.m. - Morning Worship 
6:00 p.m. - Evening Worship


7300 Crownridge Drive
The Woodlands, Texas 77382
Phone: (936) 273-0010
Fax: (936) 273-0012